Friday, January 29, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Hello Everyone,

I am finally back in the without question, The Greatest country in the WORLD!!! The United States of America.

After traveling throughout India, Thailand and Vietnam, exposed to so much I have a new appreciation for the many things I take as an American for granted each and every day. Running hot water, unlimited paper goods, clean air to breath and reliable healthy food. All of this which was often a daily task to reach my desired needs.

Even just a square of toilet paper! I'm serious, don't leave home without it.

The journey was great and I am so excited to share a few more stories and pictures. What I enjoyed the most was my ability and call to serve others so incredibly less fortune and blessed. Just a few photos to follow from one of our location set-ups in Lucknow, India.

I would like to extend a thank you to a very special 13 year old girl who lives in West Chester, PA. Her name is Marina. She is the granddaughter of Joan a dear friend of my Mother Peggy. Everyday, Marina would check my blog pass it along to her Grandmother Joan who would then update my Mother. Always keeping her abreast of my safe travels. Marina, I really appreciate your efforts and commitment with keeping my Mother at peace!! Thank you Marina!! I hope to meet you someday and perhaps my travels of serving others in another country will inspire you to help others when ever the chance. I would love to hear from you in a comment from my blog when you have the chance.



1 comment:

  1. Welcome home Michelle! So glad you are back safely. What a treat, seeing your pictures and hearing about this journey. You really didn't talk about Vietnam - we need to go to lunch! Lynn Fruit
